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Corporate Social Responsibility in the Tourism Industry: the Case of Lanzarote Island

The application of CSR measures to the tourism sector demonstrates that these policies are suitable both for corporations and for tourist purposes.
The study, in fact, aimed at bringing to light the dark side of mass tourism and at proving the effectiveness of responsible policies when applied to the modus operandi of the corresponding corporations. Since the tourist offer indeed is wide and extends to several target markets, I decided to limit the field of study and to focus on island destinations.
Whether the intention is to live in a better world or merely promote their own brand image, many corporations nowadays believe in the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility as a new and socially accountable business model. Whatever the motivation, the outcome is arguably one that makes a substantial difference.
The choice to examine this topic as the subject of my thesis sprang from a pressing awareness of CSR practices as an emerging field of study, now an integral aspect in the performance of most big multinationals.
Effectively, my first real exposure to the matter was through my recent internship experience in a big hotel chain in Lanzarote, a small island located in the Canary Islands. Even though the resort seemed to be oriented towards the best of sustainable practices, I learnt that the management of substantial infrastructures can be insidious and may very well cause damage to the detriment of the surrounding environment.
Nevertheless, I also understood that such responsible measures can also be pursued at an individual level and the inhabitants of the archipelago are the living proof of such new attitudes and behaviour. When exploring the Canaries, visitors may immediately perceive the great care and effort that local inhabitants dedicate to the protection and conservation of their territory. The Lanzaroteños are actually strongly environment-oriented and very proud of their origins; on closer observation, I came to the conclusion that positivity and cooperation are crucial aspects to the enactment of sustainability programmes.


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5 INTRODUCTION Whether the intention is to live in a better world or merely promote their own brand image, many corporations nowadays believe in the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility as a new and socially accountable business model. Whatever the motivation, the outcome is arguably one that makes a substantial difference. The choice to examine this topic as the subject of my thesis sprang from a pressing awareness of CSR 1 practices as an emerging field of study, now an integral aspect in the performance of most big multinationals. Effectively, my first real exposure to the matter was through my recent internship experience in a big hotel chain in Lanzarote, a small island located in the Canary Islands. Even though the resort seemed to be oriented towards the best of sustainable practices, I learnt that the management of substantial infrastructures can be insidious and may very well cause damage to the detriment of the surrounding environment. Nevertheless, I also understood that such responsible measures can also be pursued at an individual level and the inhabitants of the archipelago are the living proof of such new attitudes and behaviour. When exploring the Canaries, visitors may immediately perceive the great care and effort that local inhabitants dedicate to the protection and conservation of their territory. The Lanzaroteños 2 are actually strongly environment-oriented and very proud of their origins; on closer observation, I came to the conclusion that positivity and cooperation are crucial aspects to the enactment of sustainability programmes. It was right there, in that amazing piece of land far away from the mainland, that I found inspiration and began to reflect on urgent, pressing issues capable of jeopardising our society. Until this year I had never really wondered about the meaning of CSR or what it might entail. However, I became more sensitive to the matter and I realised that many corporations really care about the impact that their business activities may create, while others make empty declarations and promises. While working, I met people who share the same perspectives as me, with whom I exchanged ideas about the hotel's general framework and the current conditions on the island. This cultural exchange led me to notice that Lanzarote is still far from being a fully sustainable destination, even though it was declared Reserve of the Biosphere in 1993. 1 The Anglo-Saxon acronym of Corporate Social Responsibility. 2 Spanish nomenclature to indicate the inhabitants of Lanzarote.


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