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The Country-of-Origin in the Luxury Furniture Industry: A Comparison Between “Made in Italy” and “Made in Portugal”

The research is guided by the following research questions:
• Which tools and communication means can be used by a company operating at the international level to communicate its country-of-origin?
• Which associations can be created in consumers’ minds through the communication of the company’s origins?
The following essay consists of four chapters, plus an introductory one and a conclusive one.
The introduction illustrates the background of the thesis and exposes its main research questions, as well as the overall structure of the research; it aims to briefly introduce the topic under study and the reasons behind its choice. The first chapter contextualizes the concept of country-of-origin, as it is the key theoretical construct of the present work, through a review of the existing literature on the topic. The second chapter aims to deepen the issue of the international communication of the country-of-origin and to investigate its most significant features for the implementation of an efficient strategic approach based on the COO cue. The third chapter provides an in-depth analysis on the country-of-origin effect in the specific context of the furniture industry, as it is a market in constant evolution and change; in particular, the study focuses on two rather similar countries from a geographical and socio-cultural point of view, but with a completely distinct international reputation, namely Italy and Portugal. The fourth chapter is aimed at studying the two empirical cases selected for the analysis in order to highlight the most salient differences in terms of communication of the country-of-origin and relative influence on consumer perceptions, as well as to draw some general considerations as regards the ways in which it is appropriate to communicate the country-of-origin in light of the theoretical and practical data collected. Lastly, the final section illustrates the key findings and conclusive observations of the research, as well as some practical managerial implications that emerged during the study.


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Mostra/Nascondi contenuto.
5 1 COUNTRY-OF-ORIGIN: A LITERATURE REVIEW The country-of-origin represents a significant research topic for marketing and international business scholars and has attracted growing attention over the last decades due to the overwhelming evolution of globalization and all the phenomena it gives rise to. The objective of this chapter is to introduce and contextualize the concept of country-of-origin, as it is the most important theoretical construct of the present work, through a review of the extant literature on the subject. In the first paragraph, a general overview about the conceptual development of the country-of-origin phenomenon is presented based on the literature review issued by Dinnie (2003). This work was chosen from all the existing literature reviews on the subject, because it offers a general and concise overview on the conceptual development of the COO theme over time; on the contrary, other reviews limited their focus to a specific thematic area, such as the brand origin in the work issued by Saran and Gupta (2012), or to a particular kind of studies, as did Al-Sulaiti and Baker (1998) focusing only on the quantitative experiments carried out on the topic of the country- of-origin. Afterwards, the methodological procedure adopted in the present chapter is outlined in detail through the second paragraph, including the description of the overall search process and the steps undertaken for the thematic analysis of the selected literature. The third paragraph fully delineates the results of this study, with a focus on the most investigated countries, and then adopting the approach proposed by Durand (2016) to conduct an in-depth thematic analysis of the papers in the dataset. The choice of adopting this approach to classify and present the references was dictated by the fact that the conceptual structure proposed by the author allows a straightforward application to the database of this study, given its linearity and the concreteness of the employed categories. The same paragraph subsequently introduces a preliminary analysis centered on the international communication of brands, which will be further investigated in the second chapter of the present work. Finally, the conclusive paragraph completes the chapter with a discussion about the outcomes of the study and clarifying which proved to be the most consolidated lines of research and the emerging issues in the context of the country-of-origin; it also sets the starting point for the next chapter.


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