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BEE in South Africa: What is Black Economic Empowerment and where has the “Rainbow Nation” gone?

Nelson Mandela always wished for a 'rainbow nation' and after 27 years in prison he was willing to leave peacefully with his old oppressors. How democratic is South Africa now and how much of a rainbow nation is it nowadays? ”.
Once I found out about the Black Economic Empowerment (BEE), a policy which aims to give more power to companies run by black individuals, and to give the black more opportunities in the society, I decided to go deeper and to base my thesis on it.
This dissertation is dived into two parts: the first part is composed by three chapters and it wants to explain Black Economic Empowerment in different ways. The second part is the translation of some parts of chapter eleven titled “Black Economic Empowerment, or How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying” from R.W. Johnson's book “South Africa's Brave New World – The Beloved Country Since The End of Apartheid”. R.W. Johnson is a British-South African historian and journalist (currently a correspondent for the Sunday Times about South African and sometimes also Zimbabwean facts and events). This 700-page book explained in a very detailed way, facts about South Africa's policy and situation from Manadela's presidency to present times with new President, Zuma; and it mainly focused on the actions of former president Thabo Mbeki.
The first chapter of this dissertation is about how and why the idea of a Black Economic Empowerment developed through the years and also about the man who mainly was behind it.
The second chapter is about BEE under a more specific and precise perspective, its objectives are outlined and the generic scorecard which companies need to stick to in order to have a higher rank (thus more privileges) in the BEE system is presented.
I was able to spread a questionnaire to a wide range of South African people, asking questions about BEE, Mbeki, society, future and others. Results were very interesting and they are showed in the third chapter.
The fourth chapter is a comment on the translation and it explains some methods and some techniques I used for the translation which will be found in the Appendix.


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5 INTRODUCTION Nelson Mandela always wished for a 'rainbow nation' and after 27 years in prison he was willing to leave peacefully with his old oppressors. How democratic is South Africa now and how much of a rainbow nation is it nowadays? ”. Once I found out about the Black Economic Empowerment (BEE), a policy which aims to give more power to companies run by black individuals, and to give the black more opportunities in the society, I decided to go deeper and to base my thesis on it. This dissertation is dived into two parts: the first part is composed by three chapters and it wants to explain Black Economic Empowerment in different ways. The second part is the translation of some parts of chapter eleven titled “Black Economic Empowerment, or How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying” from R.W. Johnson's book “South Africa's Brave New World – The Beloved Country Since The End of Apartheid”. R.W. Johnson is a British-South African historian and journalist (currently a correspondent for the Sunday Times about South African and sometimes also Zimbabwean facts and events). This 700-page book explained in a very detailed way, facts about South Africa's policy and situation from Manadela's presidency to present times with new President, Zuma; and it mainly focused on the actions of former president Thabo Mbeki. The first chapter of this dissertation is about how and why the idea of a Black Economic Empowerment developed through the years and also about the man who mainly was behind it. The second chapter is about BEE under a more specific and precise perspective, its objectives are outlined and the generic scorecard which companies need to stick to in order to have a higher rank (thus more privileges) in the BEE system is presented. I have been able to spread a questionnaire to a wide range of South African people, asking questions about BEE, Mbeki, society, future and others. Results were very interesting and they are showed in the third chapter.


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