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How has Information & Communication Technology changed International Marketing

With this work we want to understand and highlight the transformations that took place in the International Marketing with the advent of what we can consider one of the greatest innovations of the last thirty years: the Information & Communication Technology ( ICT ).
First of all why International Marketing and not just Marketing?
Because with Globalization, domestic markets tend to be exceeded, and the future of business will play a more important role in the international competitiveness. A company leader in its market if it does not expand internationally, will see its market eroded by foreign competitors, with potentially dramatic consequences for its survival. So now Marketing has its maximum development in the International perspective, although from time to time it will also have to deal with the local reality.
Secondly, why the Information & Communication Technology ( ICT )? Because this is an ongoing revolution which started with Personal Computers and continued with the Internet. This led to the creation of a network that can virtually allocate, without any costs, everything that is digital: data, information, music, movies, software. In addition new Communication Technologies, like Smart-phones and Tablets, allow us to connect at any time and from anywhere in the world. All these factors have opened up opportunities not fully explored yet and still in progress. It is not possible to consider the implications of ICT in the International Marketing without first explaining, even briefly, the evolution of the Classical Marketing and the ICT.
The paper will then begin retracing the fundamental steps of the Evolution of these two elements.
We will try to understand what changes have taken place in International Marketing since the introduction of Information and Communication Technology. We will see the implications and we will develop in particular these three hypotheses that we believe are the main consequences:
1) Traditional Marketing has become Web Marketing.
2) The 4P‟s Marketing Mix is no longer appropriate, it should be modified.
3) The Conventional selling has changed in E-commerce.
With these hypotheses we will try to answer the question, object of this thesis.


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15 1. What is Marketing? The first step of my thesis will be explaining the concept of Marketing. The word Marketing obviously derives from Market and nowadays is used not only in Economy but in many other sectors like Brands, Mode, Arts, Sports, Events, Politics, Personal Branding.. There are many different definitions of Marketing, but for informational purpose I will only quote some of them and tell what is the best one for me. The American Marketing Association defines Marketing as follow: “Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large” 2 . Another definition of Marketing from the Italian version of Marketing Management, Kotler - Keller - Ancarani - Costabile: "Coherent and coordinated set of processes aimed to produce trade and relations between individuals and organizations, always with a twofold purpose: create economic and social value to the offer; transfer value functional, symbolic, emotional or experiential for the demand. " 3 There is also a social definition of Marketing “that shows the role Marketing plays in society; for example, one marketer has said that Marketing‟s role is to “deliver a higher standard of living”: Marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and freely exchanging products and services of value with others.” 4 2 American Marketing Association, ”Definition of Marketing,” Pages /DefinitionofMarketing.aspx, 2007; Lisa Keefe, “Marketing Defined, ” Marketing News, January 15, 2008, pp. 28 –29 3 Kotler P. , Keller K. L. , Ancarani F. , Costabile M. , Marketing Management , Pearson , 2012, pp. 6 4 Kotler P. , Keller K. , Marketing Management , Pearson, 2012 , pp. 5


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Gian Marco Melandri
  Tipo: Tesi di Laurea Magistrale
  Anno: 2013-14
  Università: Università degli Studi di Bologna
  Facoltà: Scienze Economiche e Aziendali
  Corso: Scienze Economiche, Statistiche e Sociali
  Relatore: Raymond Ouellet
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 98


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