NATO from the 90s to Today and the Italian Missions Under Article 11 of the Italian Constitution
The aim of this thesis was to analyze, from a legal point of view, the evolution and the history of NATO since the 90's up to the Strategic Concept of 2010. This topic was covered in the first two parts of this work, where the starting point was identified in the Strategic Concept of 1991. The many events that occurred over the 90 years have given way to have a practical confirmation of those that have been the difficulties faced, both legally and practically, by this important organization of collective defense.
This because if it is true that NATO has emerged victorious from the Cold War years, it is also true that been failing an objective, due to its achievement, the organization had to reorganize, giving itself new purposes. It is to the latter that it took part in missions in the Balkans and in Kosovo, however, giving rise to many problems in the case of the latter, given the way the intervention. With the document of Washington of 1999, have been legitimized the so-called non-Article 5 missions, with which was made official the willingness of the organization to undertake missions out of the area, for international security reasons.
Following the September 11 attacks on the WTC, for the first time since the sign of the North Atlantic Treaty on April 4, 1949, came to be applied the Article 5, which provides for mutual assistance to one or more member countries attacked, by the other. The analysis and events involving NATO, both in the defense of the United States, up to the front-line role it has assumed putting itself at the head of the ISAF mission, will certainly be interesting to see how NATO's role has truly changed in the international arena. To these must then be added the transformation processes that have accompanied the NATO over the past few years, starting from the Prague summit, which marked the entry into NATO of 9 other countries, during the fifth and sixth enlargement, up to arrive at the summit in Riga.
The last part of this work has been devoted, instead, to Italy. Starting from the value of peace, universally recognized and affirmed in the Charter of the United Nations, the path taken has allowed the retracing of the steps that led from the affirmation of this principle, to the role that NATO has sewn on to work towards this goal. Obviously, being Italy part of this organization, it is clear that over the years it has had the opportunity to participate in missions of different nature. The point that was extremely interesting the treating of, is the way this active role by Italy has been possible, in the light of Article 11 of its constitution, of which a careful analysis was conducted, with particular reference to the rejection of war. The final chapter was finally dedicated to the reasons why Italy decides to conduct missions abroad, the methods of implementation and a point on the current missions.
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Informazioni tesi
Autore: | Stefano Sarsale |
Tipo: | Laurea II ciclo (magistrale o specialistica) |
Anno: | 2012-13 |
Università: | Libera Univ. Internaz. di Studi Soc. G.Carli-(LUISS) di Roma |
Facoltà: | Scienze Politiche |
Corso: | Relazioni internazionali |
Relatore: | Maria Beatrice Deli |
Lingua: | Inglese |
Num. pagine: | 209 |
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