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The Complimentary Effects of Integrative Behavioral Prediction and Media Priming for Message Delivery in Changing Hand Washing Behavior of Primary School Children In Chandba : A study in North Gondar Zone

This experimental study investigated the presence of complementarity between Integrative Behavior Prediction(IBP) to identify beliefs to change and media priming effect to increase the association between positive intention and behavior of hand washing with water and soap at the three critical moments(i.e., before eating , before touching or preparing food, and after defecation). Using purposive sampling 34participants was selected. The participants are grade six students of Chandba Primary School in Chilga woreda North Gondar zone Amhara Region in Ethiopia. The research method is mixed where both quantitative and qualitative methods are employed for data collection and analysis. Before the one month intervention time elicitation information collected through interview used to develop the questionnaire administered before and after intervention. In addition to this on spot house observation and hand washing skill evaluation tool were utilized to collect data. The intervention treatment has been done through multimedia communication and practical participation of students in all the activities. The result indicates significant correlation between normative belief-others behavior and descriptive norm both in pre and post intervention time (r = 0.465, p< .01, and r = 0.460, p< .01 respectively). In addition to these significant correlations were observed between pre intervention normative belief-others expectation and Injunctive norm (r =0 .486, p< .01). Injunctive norm is the strongest predictor of intention (F obtained 8.871, p< .000).Qualitative results indicated that multi-media communication, provision of small money to buy soap and empty plastic bottle to establish simple hand washing station (Tip tap) improved participants’ and their neighbors hand washing behavior positively. The result of post intervention exposure to message showed significant correlation with behavior (r = 0.720, p<. 01). Intention after intervention strongly correlated with behavior (r =0.712, p< .01). Regarding change Knowledge Z ob=4.94 and practical skill Zob=5.08,p<.025 due to intervention. Finally significant positive compementarity relationship observed between IBP model and Priming effect theory (F =df1= 7,df2=26 5.579, p<.001.) In conclusion, intention to promote important referents to wash their hand with soap and their encouragement, promotion to change student’s affective belief and strengthening their control belief, provision of hand washing facilities i.e., soap and empty plastic bottle for tip tap preparation contribute to change hand washing behavior. In addition to these, exposure to multimedia message and practical involvement of students improved their behavior resulted complimentary synergy effect of IBP and priming theory. From the findings it was recommended that School administrators, teachers, media organizations, non-governmental organizations, health extension workers, and government health organizations should use research based participatory multi-media approach to get effective hygiene behavior change on primary school students.


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1 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background to the Study Diarrhea and Pneumonia, according to UNICEF’s 2008 research, together account for almost 3.5 million child deaths annually worldwide. However, it was researched and documented that hand washing with soap is the single most effective and inexpensive way to prevent diarrhea and acute respiratory infections, as automatic behavior performed in homes, schools and communities (Hand washing Day-Wikipedia,2010). Human feces are the main source of diarrheal pathogens. They are also the source of Shigellosis, Typhoid, Cholera, and all other common endemic gastroenteric infections: just one gram of human feces can contain 10 million viruses and one million bacteria. These pathogens are passed through various routes from infected host to the new one, but they all emanate from one source: feces, where primary measures, the far more important primary barriers-sanitation and hand washing- after fecal contact has a great impact (Curtis, Cardosi, and Scott, 2000). Many official documents mentioned, change and stick to hand washing with soap before eating and after using the toilet into customary habit was projected to save more lives than any single vaccine or medical intervention, decreasing deaths from acute respiratory infections by one-quarter(Hand washing Day-Wikipedia;November, 2010). In Africa, diarrhea kills 1.5 million children every year (Greentudg, 2010), which is 18% of the cause of death (WHO 2010). The cause of under 5 death in Ethiopia 23% due to diarrhea, where under five mortality rate is 109 per 1000 lives birth (WHO Health Statistics, 2010). Hand washing is an often over looked behavior that is very important for food safety, disease prevention, and personal health yet most people under estimate the potential seriousness of food born illness and its correlation with hand washing practices (Hyde, 2010). Since diarrhea is principally spread by the foeco-oral route, wide spread adoption of simple proper hand washing practices during critical times could significantly reduce burden of the disease and save thousands of lives annually (Wossen, 2010). Several research studies support the need for behavior change and the need of effective hand washing education. A research made in Hawaii indicated hand washing is important in the


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Getnet Eshetu
  Tipo: International thesis/dissertation
  Anno: -
  Università: Bahir Dar University
  Corso: Psychology
  Relatore: Reda Darge
  Num. pagine: 130


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