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An Analysis of the Impact of Traditional and Social Media Communications on the Marketing of Events

This study aims to explore the use of social media and traditional marketing communication tools in the current event industry and whether potential attendees have different perceptions and attitudes towards the selected media.
It helps to give further insight on the marketing strategy used for events and the need to choose the media channels carefully, taking into account the consumers and the nature of the event itself. Further objectives were to generate a theoretical framework on social networks platforms and how they are beneficial to the event business and identify the different models of communication engaging event attendees and marketing professionals in the current environment. The research objectives and the aims of this dissertation were met firstly by carrying out an accurate review of the available literature in the areas of (1) Integrated Marketing Communications for Events, (2) Consumer Created Communications and (3) Social Media.

The appropriate research methodology and techniques were chosen in order to gain a further insight into the impact of different marketing communication tools in the event industry. This point was explored through a meticulous analysis of the research methods literature, including studies carried out by Bryman & Bell (2007), Saunders et al (2007). Etc. On this condition, primary research was embarked in the form of semi-structured interviews and web-based questionnaire. The interviews consisted of five event professionals making use of social media sites to market their events and they where asked open ended questions in order to gain insight into their practices and issues concerning their job as marketing experts within their companies. In order to explore the use of social media on behalf of event attendees and their attitudes towards a range of communication media, a web-based questionnaire was indorsed by three event organizations. The findings show that in order to generate engagement, the marketing message should be conveyed via an appropriate, not objectionable and enjoyable media channel. Also, marketing communications have the ability to create attitudes and stimulate emotions that can have impact on the event branding. When the message in an advert or marketing communication is incongruent to viewers’ perceptions of the event brand personality, it can have a negative impact on advert perceptions and attitudes.


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1 Chapter 1 - Introduction 1.1. Introduction Considering the current trends in the events and festival environment, a special focus has been given on words such as networking, social media and marketing communications. Since events companies are involved in adapting to new directions and trends in order to be competitive and persuasive, modern businesses tend to apply these developments to their communication strategy. This thesis focuses on the widest scope of marketing communications in the special events environment, exploring the use of traditional and new media. They represent a key source for agencies to communicate their services, attract potential customers and research their market. In relation to this, an incredible growth in terms of numbers of business-related and leisure events have been reported (Jago, 1998 Allen et al., 2008), which involves different marketing approaches from those used for other kind of products or services. Moreover, the recent event literature (Hede and Kellett, 2009; Masterman and Wood, 2006) points out the relevance of stakeholders such as the community, sponsors and media that can affect both positively and negatively the event organization. Therefore, the progress of technology and in particular Internet have led to the global use of Information and communication technologies, which have transformed completely the marketing environment. The advent of Internet-based social media has facilitated the communication process worldwide, allowing one individual to share or exchange ideas about services and the companies that provide them. Therefore, consumer-to-consumer communications have become increasingly important in the market place. An increasing number of literature is currently published within the tourism, hospitality and event sector for what marketing communication tools are concerned. However, only a very limited range of studies (Westmyer et al, 1998; Danaher and Rossiter, 2009) analyzes in depth the positive and negative aspects of the use of different marketing media for both the senders and the receivers of the


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Aldo Merolla
  Tipo: Tesi di Master
Master in International Event and Festival Management
Anno: 2011
Docente/Relatore: McLatchie Joan
Istituito da: Edinburgh Napier University
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 79


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