The feasibility of a Co-Branding effort between Tata Motors and Fiat India in the Indian context.
The purpose of this research is to investigate the current alliance between Tata Motor and Fiat Group within the Indian context, in order to understand what the reasons behind this successful cooperation are. In addition, the research aims to determine the feasibility of a co-branding strategy between the 2 companies.
Throughout the gathering of secondary data the research, various concepts relating to alliances and branding have been critically evaluated: Joint Ventures, International Joint Ventures, Knowledge Acquisition, Co-branding and Brand Personality.
International Joint Ventures, as a part of alliance strategies, has been discussed to identify the criteria that determine a successful recipe for the collaboration of 2 distinct firms. Furthermore, co-branding was discussed to identify an appropriate model to apply to the case study. No solution has been found to this discussion, only that each alliance strategy as well as co-branding strategy is „case sensitive‟ and therefore situation-specific. Whatever circumstances the organisation finds themselves in, they need to carefully evaluate the market and partner they are about to “marry”.
There are, however, certain empirical factors that both firms can consider before entering such alliance: corporate affinity, vision, compatibility and knowledge transfer.
Primary data was gathered through employing a qualitative research in the form of two main interviews, supported by a preliminary piloting phase. Each interview represented another company (Tata Motors and Fiat India) and consisted of one participant each.
The aim of the in-depth interviews was to obtain insightful knowledge regarding the collaboration between these two firms as well as provide the study a glimpse at the feasibility of co-branding these two brands in the future.
This was tested by cross-referencing the two subjects as well as proposing possible scenarios to the interviewees.
The findings of the in-depth interviews were compared to the literature review as well as the information gathered through previous secondary data research (company press releases, articles, company profiles).
These results showed the discrepancies primary and secondary research. More specifically, the positive feasibility of a co-branding effort, due to the favouring circumstances of their collaboration in the Indian Market. However, both companies deny an interest for such strategy, clearly stating they currently support the importance of their core brands.
The recommendations took both primary and secondary research into account; therefore it is recommended to business strategists to consider the affinity between two firms rather than the monetary benefits, since the first will bring greater advantages to the collaboration.
A positive personal and corporate affinity between the two partners is likely to lead to an increase in the productivity and consequently market position. Also, the benefits of the collaboration need to be clearly and efficiently communicated to the consumers.
Furthermore, the feasibility of a co-branding strategy does not always translate in action, since it does not always represent an attractive solution for the companies involved.
La consultazione è esclusivamente in formato digitale .PDF

La consultazione è esclusivamente in formato digitale .PDF
Informazioni tesi
Autore: | Paolo Emilio Zanini |
Tipo: | Tesi di Master |
Master in | MSc International Marketing and Management |
Anno: | 2009 |
Docente/Relatore: | Freeman Janice |
Istituito da: | The Robert Gordon University |
Lingua: | Inglese |
Num. pagine: | 109 |
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