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Analyzing disturbances in global supply chains

The thesis, called “Analyzing disturbances in Global Supply Chains”, is subdivided in two part:
•The first part, entitled “Analysis”.
•The second, entitled “ Framework for analysis of disturbances in global supply chains”.

The Part I, “Analysis”, is constituted of six chapters:
1.The first chapter, entitled “Characteristics of Global Supply Chains”, refers about the evolution of Logistic service in Europe, the Global Supply Chain and some behavioral problems can be born between buyers and sellers in a global business.
2.The second chapter, entitled “What is the Bullwhip effect”, is the longest of the project because it gives a whole explanation of this phenomenon. This section is subdivided in three parts: Causes, Controlling and Measuring the Bullwhip effect.
3.The third chapter, entitled “Collaboration in the Supply Chain on mitigation the Bullwhip effect”, explains the importance in collaboration between the actors of the supply chain in order to mitigate the disturbances. A good collaboration or partnership among the echelons of the chain, can allow to reach a win-win situation and a almost optimization of the supply chain as a whole. So, the most important principles of operational collaboration have been shown, like Vendor Management Inventory (VMI) and Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR).
4.The fourth chapter, entitled “The role of Beer Game simulation”, concerns about the experiment that can be done with the Beer Game in order to show the disturbances in the supply chain. The last part of this section focuses of the importance of the Supply Line that, in the logistics speaking, is the quantity of orders planned but not arrived yet, because there is a time delay between the order and the goods arriving.
5.The fifth chapter, entitled “ The role of human behavior in the Bullwhip effect”, refers how the behavior of the decision makers can influence the instability of the system. Particularly, there are two kinds of behavior that can be taken from the decision makers: “Safe harbor” and “Panic”. Finally, with the support of a experiment, it’s described how the personality characteristics can influenced the instability in the Supply Chain.
6.The last chapter of the first part (the sixth), entitled “ Bullwhip effect and ICTs”, explains the advantage there can be in order to mitigate the variability in the Supply Chain, if it’s used an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system, since this technology can mitigate the costs, the stocks and the variability of the supply chain as a whole.

The Part II, “ Framework for analysis of disturbances in global supply chains”, is constituted of five chapters:

7.The seventh chapter, entitled “Industrial Dynamics”, explains some characteristics of dynamic systems, especially making reference to the most important characteristic of these systems: the Information-feedback analysis. The first author that began to write about the disturbances in the supply chain was J. Forrester in 1958.
8.The eight chapter, entitled “iThink Simulation Software”, is about an introduction of the tool that it’s been used during the experiments of Elektrobudowa SA, subdividing the section in two parts: Nouns and Verbs.
9.The ninth chapter, entitled “Elektrobudowa SA”, concerns the generality of the company underlying the activities, the areas and the sectors in which the firm operates. Finally there is also a final part carried out from a interview with some logistical managers in the site in Konin.
10.The tenth chapter, entitled “Elektrobudowa’s challenges”, shows the two plans for the future of the firm: the first is “Elektrobudowa with new product lines in China” while the second is “ The purchasing process between Elektrobudowa and a Chinese firm”. For everyone of these cases is exhibited the modeling of the Supply Chain and the model with iThink simulation software.
11.The last chapter of the work (the eleventh), entitled “Elektrobodowa: the simulation”, is a section that contains the results and the comments of the experiments developed with the tool. For every study case is explained the simulations in case of steady, random and growth customer demand. Finally, in the conclusions part, there are proposed the possible improvements can be implemented in the Supply Chain, in order to mitigate the Bullwhip effect and the disturbances as a whole.


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9 Introduction The topic of this project is, as it’s possible to understand from the title “Analyzing disturbances in Global Supply Chains”, to analyze the main disturbances that can born between the actors of a Global Supply Chain. These disturbances can be grouped all inside a unique word : the Bullwhip effect (or Forrester effect). It’s useful to give a definition of this phenomenon: “The Bullwhip effect is the amplification, oscillation and phase lag of the demand (or orders) from downstream to upstream of the Supply Chain” This demand variability can cause serious problems between the actors of the supply chain, as an increasing of schedule variability, of cycle times, of working and safety stock, of overall costs and so on. As a consequence customer service and profits can decrease. The first author that began to speak about this problem was Forrester, that with his book “Industrial dynamics” (1958) gave a important contribution for the study of this phenomenon. There are two kinds of causes that can to cause this increasing variability: Operational and Behavioral causes. Operational causes refer to the physical and institutional structure. Physical structure includes the placement of inventories throughout the network of suppliers and customers and time delays in production, order fulfilment, transportation, and so on. The institutional structure includes the degree of horizontal and vertical coordination and competition among and within firms, the availability of information to each organization and department, and the incentives faced by each decision maker. Behavioural causes encompass the mental models of the decision makers, including their attitudes, attributions about other actors, and the heuristics and routines they use to interpret the information they have and make decisions such as production, capacity and pricing. All the two causes are important in order to understand and to mitigate this problem. This work is subdivided in two parts: • The first, entitled Analysis, concerns the Bullwhip effect field, carried out with a screening of literary material of this phenomenon. • The second, entitled Framework for analysis of disturbances in Global Supply Chains, concerns the analysis the disturbances in a Real Global Supply Chain. In this part has been analyzed a real company, the Elektrobudowa SA, that has inside its future plans two challenges in the Chinese market. During this analysis has been helpful the use of iThink simulation process.


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analyzing disturbances
beer game
bullwhip effect
chinese market
forrester effect
global supply chain
industrial dynamics
ingegneria gestionale
ithink software
politecnico di milano
production engineering
simone franceschetto
warsaw university of technology

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