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Toward a Study of Radio and Television in Africa. The Case of Nigeria

A research made in Nigeria in 1968, as a thesis of the “Social Communication School” of the Catholic University of Milan.
Published in Italian, in “Annali della Scuola Superiore delle Comunicazioni sociali”,4, La Scuola Editrice, Brescia, 1969.

The author has chosen the case of Nigeria, because it is a country with a great ethnic, cultural and linguistic pluralism, and has in its territory four different radio-TV corporations with different trait and vocation. This situation consents to observe not only the growth phenomena of radio and the technical, financial and functional problems, which arise in these countries, but also the conditioning imposed on programming by the being together of many communicators.
The author, after having stated the vastness of radio listening, paints an overall picture of the radio television situation of the country, paying particular attention to the obstacles to the enlargement of the television audience and the production of local programs.
He expresses a great deal of perplexities because of the mass presence of broadcasts coming from the Western world, Furthermore, he points out that commercial competition amongst the radio television stations leads to disadvantages in the politics of radio programming; in particular, it tends to lessen the possibility of radio in helping the development of the country.
Analyzing with a great wealth of information at our disposal on the presence of radio and television in a country of the third world, the study permits us to construct a concrete image of the important problems which are generally unknown and which concern the role of mass media and the mass culture in the process of social change in traditional societies.


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Mostra/Nascondi contenuto.
3 RADIO AND TELEVISION IN AFRICA There is something unnatural in the African States, hurriedly designed by the ancient colonisers. Within their boundaries a hundred languages, a hundred customs, a hundred cultures meet in the same juridical space and each day there arise difficulties, conflicts and struggles even bloodshed. One can grasp the importance which the radio and television can assume in the new African nations, as instruments of communication on a wide scale toward an agreement and a peaceful co-existence of different cultures. But one can grasp also how the cultural problem in program scheduling is immense and varied, both for the radio on account of linguistic pluralism and for the television on account of the multiplicity of customs and behaviours. It is not therefore possible to understand social communication without basing oneself on a rigorous sociological research, without pointing out the different statistical aspect end the different cultural requirements. For these reasons the survey made by Arnaldo Rigodanza is considerable: it concerns a particular area, the tormented Nigeria; but precisely in its geographical limits it becomes reliable and documented. A survey conducted with discretion and respect, but also with acumen, by questioning and comparing on the spot; and by proposing once again the serious problem of the neo-colonialism, which now and again re- emerges by selling among other things the productions of its own cultural industry to those countries where to produce locally is still difficult. The problems of the Third World present themselves in this way, in all their gravity, even though from a single Nation of the vast Continent, and from the definite perspective of social communication . But this limitation is, lastly, an example of scientific exactitude: the only way to begin a serious proposal; which goes beyond the rhetoric of the new nations. Virgilio Melchiorre


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Arnaldo Rigodanza
  Tipo: Tesi di Specializzazione/Perfezionamento
Specializzazione in Dottrina e tecnica della radio e della televisione
Anno: 1969
Docente/Relatore: Virgilio Melchiorre
Istituito da: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano
  Lingua: Italiano
  Num. pagine: 55


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