Muslim Brotherhood: social and practical Strategies
- Predication activities;
- social and charitable work: Al-Banna fought against social injustice and it was one of the main targets of the society;
- rover scout units: units to attract new young members. They organized summer camps, assisted families, provided physical training and spiritual training, according to a holistic view.
Since 1930s Muslim Brothers gave support to PALESTINIANS ➔ voluntary groups went to fight against English army. Starting from that period Muslim Brotherhood is present in the region.
They fought against Jewish voluntary army and British army even when Egypt retired its army ➔ strong solidarity, often condemned by Egyptian monarchy.
1948: Egyptian policy pushed to dissolve the society and started with repression ➔ tortures, suspension of Muslim Brothers’ activities, assassination of Hasan Al-Banna.
1951: Egyptian campaign against British control of Suez ➔ despite the repression, the society supported this.
Sometimes Muslim brothers had a SOCIALIST program to support: Al-Banna’s ideology was socialist, and it is possible to perceive that social justice meant that the society had not to be socialist in the European sense, but their action should be observed under different categories.
Continua a leggere:
- Successivo: Muslim Brotherhood: II Period (1952-70)
- Precedente: Muslim Brotherhood: the "Islamic Solution"
Dettagli appunto:
- Autore: Luca Porcella
- Università: Libera Univ. Internaz. di Studi Soc. G.Carli-(LUISS) di Roma
- Facoltà: Scienze Politiche
- Esame: Islamic Culture
- Docente: Francesca Maria Corrao
Altri appunti correlati:
- Geografia Culturale e dei Paesi Mediterranei
- Democrazia e Islam
- Review of the book "The Place of Tolerance in Islam"
- Ascesi esicasta
- Contro natura (una lettera al Papa)
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- Hamas: il movimento di resistenza islamico
- Le processus de radicalisation: prise de conscience
- JIHĀD E MASS MEDIA: propaganda pacifica e reclutamento armato. Il caso italiano
- ISIS, know-how occidentale a servizio della propaganda jihadista
- La generazione di mezzo. Seconde generazioni alle prese con la quotidianità
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